Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Registered to Vote.

Well, not quite yet, but I’m in the process of filling out the form. It’s a bit surreal, actually, because I clearly remember 4 years ago thinking, “Hey, I can vote next election,” and somehow it’s suddenly 2008 and it really doesn’t seem like that much time has passed. And now I just realized Sam is 14, and I said, “hey, you can vote next election!”


Anyway, I must say I would have been more excited to vote if there was anybody any good running, but apparently there isn’t. I guess that goes to show we can’t put our hope in presidents or countries or anything, really, except the gospel. At least that will never change, and at least the one who loves and saves us is much bigger than America, and the hope he talks about is a much greater reality than the hope that Obama likes to talks about.

I have a little card I found in my Grandma’s attica several years ago, just a little piece of paper yellowing with age, a simple decorative border and a poem under the title, “Unceasing Goodness.” I loved the antiquity of it, but better still are the words that just kinda shine with warmth or something, and every once in a while I turn back to it and and soak in the beautiful words. And though I know politics and that stuff is important and all, let’s just always keep in mind the bigger picture, and I think this poem is right on.


Clouds drape the world; for God hath been neglected;
And unleashed evil forces seem to win!
The Arch Destroyer’s work may be detected,
For everywhere there stalks unbridled sin.

But God abides! His goodness is unceasing!
His sun still shines! His rain it still doth fall!
The earth its fruits is constantly releasing!
He hears and answers all who on Him call!

Unceasing goodness! Yea, ‘midst all life’s sorrow-
Midst all earth’s travail, tragedy and woe;
With all its dark, and so uncertain morrow-
We may unceasing goodness from Him know.

The flowers still bloom; the trees wear their adorning;
The little birds, untroubled, sweetly sing;
And we, His own, yea, children of the Morning,
Look for the day when Christ shall reign as King.

-J. Danson Smith