Monday, March 5, 2007

Of Italy, Orphans, and Goals

Someday I would love to go tour on a bike through grassy hills, past ancient castles, old stone cottages and fields speckled with sheep, misty blue mountains...places caught in the memory of yesteryear, retaining the charm of simplicity, richness and beaty. Yes, someday I would like to go there.......I would also love to go to Kenya....very different in many ways, not as beautiful perhaps....but in some ways it would be even more beautiful. I'd love to fly there and help in an orphanage, with little boys and girls...somehow showing them God's love, depsite what they've been through....that would be pretty cool.
I have a link on the side to Michael Johnson in really should read his blog, it's very inspiring. Everytime I read any of his articles it just makes me realize how much we take for granted here in America, we have so much that I can't even imagine living in the conditions experienced by far too many people in the slums of Kenya, and no doubt many other places as well.
I do want to go to kenya someday, maybe at a time not too far away.....but right now I'm here where I am, and for that I'm thankful. I'm kind of in a training time, I think....learning how to stay close to God everyday, and serve him in the best way I can. So many days I fail at this, and that is why I am glad for this time of learning....for their is much I need to learn.
I'm also trying to train myself physically, as well. Inspired by my good friend Jessica, whose blog I also have linked (teen2teenfitness), I have challenged myself to become fit and healthier this spring. Yes, I've been pretty lazy this winter in not getting much excersize.....If I want to go to Africa to serve someday, to Italy on a biking tour, or simply living everyday with zeal, I'd like to be fit and strong so I can keep going without feeling weak. I'm going to use this blog to help keep me accountable in my fitness endeavors, as well as posting tips I've gathered here and there that I find helpfull.
God has called me, and all who are his children, to bring glory and honour to Him in all we do- whether it be serving as a missionary, a fitness instructor, banker, or a web-page designer. I'm excited about the plans God has for me- whatever they may be.
Here are some cool words from a hymn by E.S. Hall....they're pretty amazing....I love to ponder over them whenever I'm feeling stressed out about life and what I'm gonna do in the future:
I do not ask to see the way
My feet will have to tread;
But only that my soul may feed
Upon the living Bread.
'Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go,
But oh, I know my Guide.
His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know His love can never fail.
"I will press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 3:14