Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Living Hope was lovely! This morning my mom and I had breakfast with our friend from Singapore, Angie. It was encouraging to chat with her and be reminded of the need for prayer. We then made our way to church, where we sang some cool songs and learned from mr. Dickman and 1 peter about why we should honor the government authority over us.......and be challenged with questians. But that's for another blog post.....I've discussed government quite enough for one day, i believe.....

So yesterday was the wedding of my friend Natalie to someone I don't know named Sean, but who seems like a really ecouraging person. They make a wonderful couple....the wedding was filled with beautiful flowers, dresses, smiles and music, and truth.

During the three-hour drive home, my mom and I listened to an awesome speaker, Ken Rudolph. He had some cool reminders about hope.......he said there are two types of hope: hope as the world defines it, and hope as God defines it. He said the world speaks of hope as, "oh, I hope the Redskins win the superbowl...."or "hopefully I'll get that job...". The world defines hope as:

"A favorable expectation of the future".

It's something we want to happen, and we wish it will happen, but nothing is for certain.
Hope, as God defines the word, is:

"A favorable expectation of the future that will happen."

awesome! Not only is it something great, it's for certain. Ken Rudolph talked about how God took care of our sinful past by dying for us on the cross, He's taken care of our present by giving us the Holy Spirit, and He's taken care of our future by giving us the certain hope of spending eternity in heaven, surrounded by the glory of God.

I thought that was pretty cool..................

As far as health is concerned, I think I did pretty well today. I started the morning with a nutritious McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese McGriddle (the kind with syrup and pancakes as the biscuit) and a greasy hashbrown, had a very healthy lunch of a Burger King hamburger, some nutricious chocolate chip cookies as an afternoon snack, and topped it all off with a body-nourishing dinner of greasy, pepperoni pizza....................................................ok, so maybe I didn't do so good. Maybe tomorrow.........

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time." 1 Peter 1:3-5